
Looking to plan a birthday party or party for any other reason?
Jeremy's Party Room is the answer.

A private room with restaurant style seating for 29 people

Parties can be scheduled to start at 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, or 9pm.
The room reservation is for 2.5 hours with 15 minutes of clear out.

You bring the food, drinks, etc and just pay for admission for those who attend. You won't find a more affordable place to party. (Alcohol is never permitted)

$5.00/person, minimun 10. Reservation is require to reserve space. Any person (ages 3 and older) with the party must be paid for, whether they are playing games or not. (This is the entire point of the arcade.)

Reservation Required. Text 2087942076 to make a reservation.

Private Parties

Private parties have been discontinuned as of May 24, 2022.